Traditional Weapons
All Forms & Weapons Events will be Judged on a 1 – 10 Scale, with 1/10 point increments. Scores from all Judges will be added together, and the highest total will win. In the case of a tie, judges may use their discretion and possibly ask for a repeat performance to determine a winner.
Time Limit for all Forms & Weapons Divisions will be: 3 Minutes
Traditional Forms & Weapons:
Competitors in these divisions will perform Forms (patterns, kata, poomse, etc.) traditional to a specific style of martial arts. These forms must capture the essence of classic martial arts movements, showcasing the traditional techniques, stances and footwork of the specific style. All competitors of a specific age and rank division will compete against each other, regardless of style. Emphasis is placed on execution of technique, application of technique, balance, speed, power, solid stances, and focus. Forms may be unmodified or modified from what a system or school considers to be the original version of the form; however, performance of a form voted by the judges as inappropriate for the division will result in a unanimous decision, of a "no score". Competitors should use weapons of a traditional design.
Creative Forms & Weapons:
The Creative Division allows forms to include an array of techniques. These forms may be devised in their entirety by the competitor, or be a traditional form in which modern aspects were added. In this division, the competitor may perform any movements whether they originate from traditional or contemporary martial arts systems or otherwise. However, at least half of the form must originate from martial arts techniques. Emphasis is placed on the quality of execution of techniques and movements, martial arts skills, balance, speed, power, degree of difficulty, and showmanship, solid stances, focus, spinning kicks, jump spinning kicks, flying kicks, multiple kicks, splits and other creative martial arts techniques are permitted. In addition, only those movements that portray a definite offensive or defensive martial arts purpose, or are included to illustrate extreme flexibility or agility, are allowed. We are now allowing: extreme gymnastic-type movements in the creative form and weapons divisions, as well as spins greater than 360 degrees.
Starting A Form Over:
If a competitor starts his/her form over because of a memory lapse or any other reason due to his/her own negligence, he/she may perform the form again. The three-minute time limit will start over. The judges will take into account the competitors rank and age in deterring the negative factor on the score. A competitor can only start over one time. If a competitor has to start over not due to his/her negligence, he/she will not be penalized on the start over.
Weapon Division & Safety:
Safety Rule: Weapons should be kept in equipment bags or cases until competition time. No competitor should be walking around with weapons unless headed for the competition ring. Bladed weapons must be kept sheathed at all times unless performing. NO LIVE BLADES! Judges may request to inspect weapons. Weapons should be appropriate for divisions, “flashy” weapons are not appropriate for traditional divisions, etc. Weapons may be practiced in the designated area only. If a competitor recklessly or carelessly misuses his/her weapon, he/she may be penalized or disqualified.